Fishkind, Bakewell, Maltzman, Hunter, & Associates is now Oracle Eye Physicians & Surgeons!

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Clinical Research Program:

Oracle Eye Physicians & Surgeons is committed to providing excellent patient care and staying up to date with the advancement of medical technology and treatments. One of these ways is by participating in clinical trial research, which allows us to bring treatment options to Tucson and surrounding areas that might not otherwise be available to the public. Our physicians are continuously participating in FDA clinical trial studies as Primary Investigators. See below for active clinical studies and for more information about participating in a paid clinical study.

Active Clinical Research Studies

A FDA Clinical Study for patients with mild to moderate Primary Open-Angle Glaucoma:

Study Title: A prospective, multicenter study of the GLAUKOS iStent Infinite Trabecular Micro-Bypass System model IS3 in subjects with mild to moderate primary open-angle glaucoma.

Study Objective: The objective of this study is to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of a GLAUKOS Trabecular Micro-Bypass System in adult patients with mild to moderate glaucoma.

Expected Study Duration: The expected study duration is 24 months and qualified participants will receive treatment.

Participation Eligibility: You may be a possible candidate for this study if you meet the following criteria:

  • Male or Female age 35 years or older
  • Have a diagnosis of mild to moderate primary open-angle glaucoma
  • Are currently on 1-4 ocular hypotensive medications
IStent Badge

Benefits of Volunteering:

Volunteers for participation in clinical research are crucial to the development of more efficient and effective treatment options. By volunteering, you are not only gaining access to new medical technology and treatment not yet available to the public, but you are also contributing to moving medical research forward helping to provide better treatment options for the future. Volunteers are also compensated for their time and travel for participating in a clinical study. If you are interested in volunteering for participation in a clinical study, send us an online message or contact the office at 520-293-6740, ext. 111 to speak to the Clinical Research Coordinator for more information.